HC Deb 05 March 1919 vol 113 cc433-4W
Colonel W. THORNE

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that the Government made an Order in Council dated 5th February, 1918, which recognised the Poles, who were formerly subject to Germany, Austria, and Russia, as an independent people; if he is aware that in this Order, by the expression, by race a Pole, the Government has made a distinction between the non-Jew and the Jew who has lived in the country for generations; whether, seeing that whilst German and Austrian Poles have been released from internment camps and police restrictions removed, Polish Jews are still interned and still subject to police supervision, the distinction made by the Government may have encouraged the wholesale slaughter of Jews in Galicia; how the Government can repatriate these people when it has deprived them of their national rights; and whether the Government intend, on the recommendation of the Information Committee for Polish Jews, to release those who are now interned and remove the police restrictions?


The first two paragraphs of the question do not represent the facts quite accurately, and indeed the subject raised by the hon. and gallant Member is too complicated and difficult to be dealt with by question and answer. I can, however, say that the position of the Polish Jew in the present upheaval of nations and the proper course to be adopted in regard thereto is receiving special consideration. I am satisfied that the suggestion in the third paragraph of the question has no foundation in fact.