HC Deb 26 June 1919 vol 117 c375W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that over 160 municipalities have passed Resolutions within the last six months in favour of the removal by Parliament of the statutory limitation of rate-income imposed by the Public Libraries Act, 1892; that amongst the 160 local authorities mentioned the principal cities, boroughs, and industrial centres of the United Kingdom are included; and whether he is prepared to take early action to afford the relief for which these local authorities have petitioned?


My right hon. Friend is aware that a large number of local authorities have passed Resolutions as stated by the hon. Member in favour of the removal of the limitation on the amount of the rate for public libraries. The question whether action can be taken to remove the limitation is, I understand, receiving the consideration of my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Education, to whom the powers of the Local Government Board in this respect are shortly to be transferred.

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