HC Deb 24 June 1919 vol 117 cc39-40W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is able to state as to Lance-Corporal E. K. Sawde, 4th Devon Territorial Force, attached to the 2nd Dorsets, who was taken prisoner at Kut, and was working on the Baghdad railway as a prisoner of war up to September, 1916, whether he has been repatriated or whether he is dead; and, if so, when and where his death occurred?


Lance-Corporal E. K. Sawde died at Bilemedik, in the Adana district of Turkey, in September, 1916. This information was communicated to the relatives in August, 1917.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether Private Bradley, No. 60,757, 89th Machine Gun Corps, who in November, 1918, was a prisoner of war at Friedrichsfeld, has been repatriated to this country; and, if-not, whether his whereabouts have been traced and where he was when last heard of?


Private Bradley has not been repatriated. His name is included in the list of prisoners of war not accounted for which was sent to the German Government and to the British Mission in Germany charged with the duty of investigating such cases, but no information has yet been received concerning him. The latest report regarding him was contained in a German list, dated 15th July, 1918, in which he was described as at Friedrichsfeld; this, however, probably means that he was only registered at that camp and that he was actually in French or Belgian territory then in German occupation. If my hon. and learned Friend has any later information, I shall be very glad if he will let me have it.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether Private Joseph Hall, No. 64946, of the 12/13th. Northumberland Fusiliers, was taken prisoner in April, 1918; if so, whether he has been repatriated to this country or has died since the date in question; and, if Private Hall is dead, whether he can state-when or where the death took place?


Private Hall was taken prisoner in April, 1918, but has not been repatriated. No evidence of his death has been received, but it is feared that, in the absence of any recent news of him, the probability of his still being alive is small. Investigations as to his fate are still proceeding, and his name is on the list of unaccounted for prisoners, referred to in my answer to question No. 27.