HC Deb 06 June 1919 vol 116 cc2435-6W

asked the Home Secretary whether he will state the particulars of the arrangement that has been entered into between the Government and the London General Omnibus Company as to the supply of motor lorries for the conveyance of passengers; if the lorries are to be operated all day or during certain hours in the morning and evening; what is the purpose to which any profit arising from the working of these lorries will be applied; and whether, by operating these lorries, a larger number of public vehicles controlled by this company will be brought into further competition with municipally owned tramways?


I have been asked to answer this question. As regards the first part of the question I would refer the hon. Gentleman to the answer given on Monday last by my hon. Friend the Deputy-Minister of Munitions to a question on the subject asked by the hon. Member for South Islington. As regards the latter parts of the question I think that most of the passengers on the lorries would probably have travelled on omnibuses if lorries were not available, but no doubt some of them might have travelled by rail or tram or in other ways. It is not proposed to prohibit the lorries from running except during certain hours in the morning and evening.