HC Deb 05 June 1919 vol 116 c2255W

asked the Secretary of State for War when he proposes to set, on foot an effective and vigorous propaganda for the stimulation of recruiting; and what numbers of new men he will still need by April, 1920, assuming that Conscription then comes to an end?


The question of stimulating recruiting for the Regular Army is engaging close attention, and as stated in reply to the hon. and gallant Member for Bradford East on the 20th May, I hope that it will be possible to launch a recruiting campaign shortly. The fact that over 7,000 men in civil life enlisted into the Regular Army last week under various conditions of service is evidence that the attractions of Army life are becoming generally recognised. In the present uncertain state of affairs in Europe and other parts of the world it is impossible to form an accurate estimate of what our requirements will be in April next.