HC Deb 05 June 1919 vol 116 cc2251-2W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he has received a communication as to the employment of motor tractors in Mesopotamia by the Anglo-Persian Oil Company

Total rationed on Western Front. Elsewhere. Mobilised Strengths.
British and Dominion troops 1,932,000 2,091,443 5,680,247
(including 640,000 Indian troops in India) (including Dominion and Indian troops)
French 2,563,000 Other theatres not known. 5,075,000
(in zone of Armies)
United States of America 1,903,000 10,000 3,707,132
(in Italy and Russia)
Belgium 145,000 Nil. 238,000

and the idleness of the motor lorries there; and will he make inquiries and see if these men could be returned home?


I am informed that there is no trace of such a communication having been received at the War Office. If my hon. and gallant Friend will send me any information he has on the subject, I will have inquiry made if it appears desirable.