HC Deb 04 June 1919 vol 116 c2046W

asked the Secretary to the Local Government Board, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, whether it is proposed to introduce legislation in connection with the amount of the income limit under the National Insurance Act?


It is not proposed to make any alteration of principle as regards the range of persons who were intended by the Act of 1911 to come within the National Health Insurance, nor to bring in any class of the community not hitherto included. No alteration is contemplated in the £160 limit for voluntary contributors. But I hope to introduce a short Bill for the consideration of Parliament after the Recess, for the purpose of preventing the deprivation of benefits that will otherwise take place after 30th June in the case of that large number of insured persons whose wages have been raised since the War so as to be at a higher rate of remuneration than £160, but who have not thereby been raised above the economic status of the persons comprised in the Act of 1911. 1 am publishing a statement which will explain the details of the proposal and the various matters that are incidental to it.