HC Deb 02 June 1919 vol 116 c1722W

asked the Minister of Labour whether, in the administration of the unemployment donation, married and single demobilised men are in receipt of the same allowance of 29s.; whether married men receive an allowance for each child, but no allowance whatever is made in respect of the wife; and whether, in view of the greatly increased cost of living, he will take action to have a special allowance made for the wives of these unemployed men?


The rate of out-of-work donation paid to ex-members of His Majesty's Forces is the same for both single and married men. Supplementary allowances are paid in respect of dependant children under fifteen years of age. The question of making allowance in respect of wives was carefully considered before the scheme was brought into operation last November, and I do not see my way at this date to recommend any alteration in the existing rules in this respect.