HC Deb 31 July 1919 vol 118 cc2304-5W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether steps will at once be taken to victual and equip with munitions, guns, medical stores, and clothing the port of Archangel so as to enable it to withstand, if necessary, a prolonged winter siege?

Captain GUEST

Since our policy is to withdraw from North Russia before the winter, it is not intended to prepare Archangel to withstand a siege.


asked the Secretary of State for War what is the average date on which the port of Archangel is closed by ice and what is the average date on which the navigation of the River Dwina is closed by ice; how many miles is Seltsoe, on the River Vaga, and Troitsa, on the River Dwina, from Archangel by road, and does this road lie through forest and' swamp; is it practical for the conveyance of guns and tanks; and what is the average time that a convoy takes to pass by road from Archangel to Beresink and Troitsa?

Captain GUEST

Archangel is closed by ice about the third week in November. The River Dwina is unnavigable owing to ice about the third week in October. I do not know a Seltsoe on the Vaga. Troitsa is, roughly, 210 miles from Archangel by road. This road runs along the river, through all kinds of country. At times it is practicable for convoys, and at others impassable to any traffic. Most of the transport is taken by river. I am afraid it is impossible to answer the last part of the question, as this depends on the time of year, weather, and the condition of the road.

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