HC Deb 30 July 1919 vol 118 cc2116-7W

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware of the feeling of resentment on the part of certain demobilised men who are unable to obtain civil employment by reason of the continued retention in the Government De- partments and public offices of men of military age and medically fit for service but who have been retained in civilian public service, temporary or otherwise; and whether he will cause an inquiry to be made throughout the Government offices and in the Civil Service generally as to the number of such men who can be dispensed with and whose places can be made available for those who have served overseas and thereby assisted to save the country in the recent War?


The Committee which was appointed by the Minister of Labour to consider the best steps to be taken to extend the employment in the public service of ex-soldiers, and particularly of disabled men, is, I understand, on the point of reporting, and its recommendations will be submitted without delay to this Majesty's Government.