HC Deb 24 July 1919 vol 118 c1587W

asked the Secretary of State for War how many officers of and above the rank of bigadier-general are now at home and on the unemployed list; what rate of pay they are receiving; and what is the total amount of public money expended in the payment of unemployed generals?


A brigadier-general is never unemployed. When the appointment for which an officer has been granted the temporary rank of brigadier-general lapses, he reverts to his substantive rank. If a substantive colonel, he would be placed on half-pay until again employed; if a regimental officer, he would be posted to a unit and draw regimental rates of pay. There are seventy-four general officers unemployed. They are in receipt of the ordinary rates of half-pay, namely, major-general £500, lieutenant-general £650, general £800. The total annual amount is £42,500.