HC Deb 23 July 1919 vol 118 cc1394-5W

asked the Secretary of (State for India how many executive orders have been issued during the lieutenant-governorship of Sir Michael O'Dwyer over the Punjaub for the arrest, imprisonment, internment, deportation, and externment from the province without, any trial of the suspects before infliction of the penalty, distinguishing those that took place before the revolt from those which followed it, with the names, professions, or other avocations of the persons concerned?


I cannot give the exact details for which the hon. Member asks, but in the Punjaub up to the 31st January last 145 persons in that province had their freedom restricted under the Defence of India Act. On the l5th May thirty four of these were still restricted—nine domiciled away from their homes, twelve restricted to their own homes, and thirteen required for a period to report their place of residence. On the same date under the Ingress to India Ordinance seven persons were undergoing internment, 100had their movements restricted, and sixty-five were required to report their movements. Almost all of these were returned emigrants from America or the Far East. Between the 1st January and 15th May fifty persons had been released from restrictions under the Defence of India Act and 355 under the Ingress into India Ordinance. I have not figures of orders passed in connection, with the Afghan hostilities or the recent disturbances.


asked the Secretary of State for India how many sentences of death, transportation for life or for shorter periods, forfeiture of property, rigorous imprisonment, flogging, and other penalties have been pronounced by tribunals other than the ordinary courts of law in the Punjaub, Delhi, and Gujerat, with the names, professions, or other avocations of the persons so sentenced during April, May, June, and July of the present year?


I have not yet received the figures.

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