HC Deb 16 July 1919 vol 118 c405W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether steps will be taken to grant the same travelling warrants given to serving soldiers to discharged sailors and soldiers now in hospitals, nursing, and convalescent homes, and similar institutions to enable those whose health permits to visit their homes during the coming Peace celebrations, and which in many cases they are most anxious to do, but which in many instances will be impossible unless some travelling facilities are granted them, especially when the institution in which they are being treated is some distance from their homes?


The answer is in the affirmative. Arrangements are being made so that all discharged disabled men in military or civil institutions, who are fit to travel, shall be able to return to their homes for the Peace celebrations. Their railway fares will be paid, and a sum of 10s. will be given to each man for subsistence and out-of-pocket expenses. A Grant is also being made to all institutions where disaibled men are under treatment in order that those who are unable to return home may be given extra privileges and fare.