HC Deb 15 July 1919 vol 118 c225W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Private H. Caton, No. 181573, Royal Army Service Corps (Mechanical Transport), enlisted in January, 1916, as a Derby man, has seen two years' active service in Mesopotamia and India, was in hospital in Mesopotamia for ten weeks, invalided home with goitre neck, and sent into hospital in Scotland; that he is now graded C3; that during his absence in the Army his mother has been endeavouring to carry on his business, and that if the man can be released the business will be restored to its pre-war activity and employment found for a number of men; and whether, in view of all these circumstances, he will authorise the soldier's release?


Fresh, instructions were recently issued extending the instructions governing releases on compassionate grounds, in order that certain one-man businesses could be included. If Private Caton's case falls within the instructions referred to, and my hon. Friend will obtain a statement giving the required particulars, certified as set out in the Instructions, it will be considered.

Major NALL

asked the Secretary of State for War why Sapper Hyde, No. 232234, 93rd Field Company, Royal Engineers, is retained in the Army, although the Ministry of Labour approved his application for release on 18th January, under reference D.F.P. 76,429?


An application recommended by the Ministry of Labour was received by the War Office on behalf of Sapper Hyde. He was then registered as a pivotal man, but owing to the soldier's address being insufficiently stated the necessary instructions for his release could not be sent. His correct address was obtained, and the instructions for his release were sent on the 8th instant. His demobilisation will be carried out in accordance with the Army Order recently issued providing for the early release of all men eligible for demobilisation.