HC Deb 10 July 1919 vol 117 c2062W

asked the Minister of Labour if he has considered the policy of publishing locally lists of manufacturers who have taken on partially-disabled soldiers with the object of stimulating others to follow their example; and whether he will give the numbers of disabled men who have actually been so taken on either by their previous employers or by others?


I hope shortly to be in a position to announce the details of a scheme for the employment of disabled ex-Service men in industry generally. In this connection I am in favour of publishing locally the names of employers who cooperate. With regard to the second part of the hon. Member's question, the number of men in receipt of disablement pensions was 770,000 on 1st July, 1919. The number registered as unemployed at Employment Exchanges in the United Kingdom on the 6th June, 1919, was 43,501. Of the remainder it is estimated that, roughly, 50 per cent. have returned to their previous employers; the balance (with the exception of those undergoing training) must be supposed to have found new employment.