HC Deb 01 July 1919 vol 117 c802W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that an agreement was arrived at on the 20th May between the Nottingham Brick Manufacturers Association and the National Association of Builders Labourers with regard to wages to commence on the 9th June; that this agreement has not been endorsed by the Government although two deputations ' have attended in London; that further delay will result in closing brickyards in Nottingham and dislocation of friendly relationships between masters and men; and will he at once give his endorsement to the terms agreed?


The Wages (Temporary Regulation) Act does not preclude employers and workpeople from entering into agreements for increases in wages and such agreements do not require approval. The agreement in this case is expressly made conditional on Government endorsement, a condition which has avowedly been attached only to enable the prices of the bricks to be increased.