HC Deb 25 February 1919 vol 112 c1603W

asked the Minister of Munitions if he will state the number of employés in His Majesty's munition factories killed, and the number injured since August, 1914, by any kind of casualty; what number of each section were men and what number women; whether in all cases compensation has been paid in accordance with the Workmen's Compensation Act; whether the basis of such compensation has been the actual earnings including all bonuses and advances; and what is approximately the total amount of such compensation?


I cannot give the figures asked for with regard to all casualties; but I should be glad to obtain for my hon. Friend, if he wishes, particulars of all fatal accidents in national munition factories, and the amount of compensation in reference thereto paid under the Workmens'Compensation Act since the Ministry of Munitions assumed responsibility. War bonuses and war advances are included in the calculations of average weekly earnings forthe purpose of assessing compensation in cases of all claims by employés in national munition factories under the Workmen's Compensation Act and schemes framed thereunder.