HC Deb 24 February 1919 vol 112 cc1405-6W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether men who enlisted subsequent to January, 1916, are to be retained in the Army of Occupation; whether he is aware that many men employed on important work were not allowed to enlist until 1916 and 1917; and whether, in view of these circumstances, he will have this matter reconsidered?


asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the form of contract signed by men attested in 1915 under the Derby scheme but not called up to the Colours till 1916, and particularly to the terms of such contract stating that the service shall begin to reckon from the date of attestation; why the contract is not being observed and these men demobilised along with other 1914 and 1915 soldiers; and on what grounds is it held that the new Army Order 14, of 29th January, 1919, prohibits their demobilisation?


asked the Secretary of Stats for War whether in framing the regulations for creating the Armies of Occupation, the fact was over- looked that many men who had attested under Lord Derby's scheme before the 1st January, 1916, were not called to the Colours till after that date, and are under the regulations referred to treated as though they were enlisted under the Military Service Acts; and will he take steps to secure the demobilisation of men who attested previous to 1st January, 1916?

Captain GUEST

The men referred to did not join the Colours until after the 1st January, 1916. The test adopted by the Government to determine whether a man shall be retained for the Armies of Occupation is length of service actually given to the State, and not the liability to serve. Although the men in question may have attested prior to the 1st January, 1916, nevertheless they did not join the Colours for immediate or continuous service until a later date, and I regret that, in view of the requirements of the Armies of Occupation, special treatment cannot be granted to this very numerous class. I regret it is not possible to depart from a system which is recognised in the Army to be based on principles of fairness.