HC Deb 19 February 1919 vol 112 cc964-5W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that the advance of 6s. per week allowed to Army Ordnance Department, Woolwich, foremen to meet the increased cost of living in June, 1917, is being regarded as a six years' increment in advance; whether he is aware that the wages of assistant principal foremen in the Army Ordnance Department, Woolwich, are 5s. per week less than those paid to subordinate foremen; and whether, in view of the valuable services rendered by these men—one of them having been awarded the Order of the British Empire—he will favourably consider putting their wages on a more satisfactory basis?

Captain GUEST

I think my right hon. Friend, if he will inquire further, will find that the advance of 6s. a week referred to is not a "cost of living" advance. It is a special advance made under Award No. A. 10, dated 30th July, 1917, of the Conciliation and Arbitration Board for Government Employés. That award confirmed a mutual agreement which specifically states that those who receive it shall not progress beyond the resulting rate until they are entitled to a higher rate by service in their scale. The case of the assistant principal foremen is already under consideration, and it is hoped shortly to notify a further temporary war advance with an antedate which will remove the disability complained of.