HC Deb 18 December 1919 vol 123 c702W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health if he can state approximately how many houses will have been completed in Glasgow, and how many will be in actual course of erection in Glasgow, under the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1919, by 1st February, 1920?


It is not possible at present to state what number of houses will have been completed or will be in actual course of erection in Glasgow by the data specified. I am, however, advised that a number of the temporary wooden houses now in course of erection will be completed before the 1st February next. Building operations for the erection of 146 permanent houses at Coplawhill and Gilslochill are now well under way, and it is hoped that by 1st February a commencement will have been made at the latter site with a scheme for a further seventy-fire houses, the tenders for which were approved by the Scottish Board of Health on 4th instant. It is anticipated that by the 1st February tenders will have been accepted for an additional 1,046 houses on another site.