HC Deb 17 December 1919 vol 123 c433W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether, in view of the fact that in a large number of cases the amount of war gratuity paid to ex-soldiers and to dependants of deceased soldiers is less than the scale to which they are entitled, he will state if the authorised scale is for the first year £5, for the second year £6, and for each subsequent year of service £6; and if it is possible when paying the gratuity to those entitled to it to submit a statement showing the period to which it relates, and the deductions, if any, for debit in respect of the soldier's general pay account?


The amount of the War gratuity depends on the soldier's rank and on the length and circumstances of his war service. For full particulars I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the Royal Warrant of the 17th December, 1918. The general issue of the gratuity is now nearly completed, but any ex-soldier who is in doubt as to the correctness of the amount paid to him can obtain from his Paymaster full particulars of his account.