§ Mr. LAWSONasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware 263W that in setting up the local profiteering tribunal at Hastings the borough council appointed eight tradesmen and one retired tradesman requested the trades council to appoint three labour representatives, and the food control committee to appoint three representatives; whether he is aware that on the local food control committee, composed of fifteen representatives, there are five representing Labour; that the trades council put forward a request for the same number of Labour representatives on the profiteering tribunal but the request was refused; aid whether, in view of the necessity for securing local confidence in the tribunal and the advisability of giving Labour adequate representation thereon, he will approach the borough council on this matter?
§ Mr. BRIDGEMANThe Board of Trade Regulations governing the constitution, powers, and procedure of local committees established under the Profiteering Act provide for adequate representation of Labour, and, as three of the fifteen members of the Hastings Local Committee are representatives of Labour, I am unable to agree that Labour is inadequately represented on this local committee.