HC Deb 10 December 1919 vol 122 cc1340-1W
Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Minister of Pensions (1) whether he is aware of the fact that, as a result of the recent decision that service pensioners shall not draw the revised rates of disablement pension, Sergeant E Yeo, No. 4739, South Wales Borderers, who is a totally disabled man with twenty years 253 days' service, is now drawing a Service pension of 10s. 6d. a week and a disablement pension of 33s., whereas if he had served for a short period only, which would not have entitled him to any form of Service pension, he would now draw 46s. 8d. a week as a totally disabled sergeant; what action he proposes to take in the matter;

(2) whether he is aware that, although his Department recently announced that the disablement pensions of service pensioners would be based on a maximum of 33s., the new allowance for a wife and the increased rates for children being payable, the allowance for the two children of Sergeant E. Yeo, No. 4739, South Wales Borderers, has been reduced from the revised rate to the old rate of 14s.; and that, on inquiry at the. Pension Issue Office on 29th November, it was stated that no official instructions had yet been received to issue a wife's allowance and the increased children's allowances, although a verbal communication had been received in the Department concerned that these instructions would shortly follow; and whether he will state what action he proposes to take in the matter?


It has been ascertained from the War Office that Sergeant Yeo is not entitled to the increased Service pension, as he had not had twenty-one years service, and steps are, therefore, being taken to adjust his disablement pension to the new rate. With regard to the general questions raised, I may inform my hon. and gallant Friend that instructions have been issued to Pension Issue Office to the effect that the limitation of disablement pension to the 33s. rate does not affect the wife and children allowances which are to be paid at the new rates, and I may also remind him that if in any case it is found to be more favourable a Service pensioner may give up his Service pension and receive a disablement pension, according to rank, of the same amount as if he had only served in the late War.