HC Deb 10 December 1919 vol 122 c1338W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the number of serving soldiers who are desirous of settling upon the land on the termination of their engagement, arrangements will be made by which such men may be educated and fitted to take up small holdings; and whether the land still belonging to the War Department is being utilised for the training of these soldiers?


I am glad to say that it has been found possible to give a considerable amount of agricultural training in the Armies of Occupation, and this will be continued and developed in the Regular Army as far as military exigencies, allow. At the same time, my hon. and gallant Friend will appreciate that it will be a matter of difficulty to combine practical education in all branches of this subject with the requirements of Army training in normal conditions; but every endeavour will be made to continue to, give assistance to the schemes of the Board of Agriculture.