HC Deb 08 December 1919 vol 122 cc926-7W
Brigadier-General CROFT

asked the. Financial Secretary to the War Office whether numerous farmers are under contracts with their landlords to place a guaranteed amount of manure on the ground for every ton of hay sold; and whether he is aware that in the case of commandeered hay there is no allowance to compensate the landlord and farmer for the loss of such manure; and what steps he will take to remedy this state of affairs?


I understand that a provision of the nature suggested is included in many farm agreements. The prices for hay and straw fixed by the Army Council Order of 20th August, 1918, were, however, considered to be fair to farmers to recoup them for any loss incurred by the sale of any hay or straw from their farms.

Brigadier-General CROFT

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that in the case of hay which was commandeered in 1918 the interest allowed is in some cases only equal. to 5 per cent.; and whether, in view of the fact that the hay was commandeered at a price far below the market value, he will cause a reconsideration of such rate of interest?


The interest paid is at the rate of 15 per cent. per annum, and I am not aware of any cases of hay commandeered in 1918 where the interest allowed was only equal to 5 per cent. If my hon. and gallant Friend can give particulars of any such cases I will have inquiry made.

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