HC Deb 01 December 1919 vol 122 c55W
Sir A. YEO

asked the Secretary of State or War if he is aware that the excessive purchases of forage by the War Department has created a great scarcity and famine prices in the civilian forage market; what are the monthly requirements of the Army and what is the quantity of hay at present held by the Forage Department; if he will issue instructions that the Department revert to its pre-war practice of holding a small stock, and purchasing only for current needs; and if, to aid the owners of stall-fed animals, he will obtain the forage supplies required for Armies abroad from the ample supplies that are now available overseas, and release for civilian consumption the bulk of the stocks now held in this country?


As already explained to my hon. Friend, the quantity of hay purchased by the Department is only sufficient to last the Army until April next. As soon as these stocks are exhausted pre-war practice will doubtless be reverted to. Local resources of forage are being used to the fullest extent to supply the Armies overseas. I regret that it is not practicable to release for civil consumption the stocks now held in this country.