Lieut.-Colonel MALONEasked the Pensions Minister whether discharged soldiers who are receiving disability pensions have 19s. 6d. deducted from their pension when the state of their health necessitates re-entry into hospital; and whether, in view of the fact that no charges are made to civilians for attendance in these hospitals, he can see his way to modify these. Regulations in connection with discharged soldiers?
§ Sir J. CRAIGA discharged soldier-under treatment in hospital is maintained free of charge and receives an allowance of 21s. a week, with addition for rank. The allowance is thus 19s. a week less than the total disablement rate of pension, but very considerably more than 19s. a week is paid by the Ministry to the hospital for the man's maintenance. In institutions such as St. Dunstan's, where no charge is made to the Ministry, the man receives an allowance equivalent to the full disablement rate of pension, without deduction.