HC Deb 13 August 1919 vol 119 cc1321-2W
Major GLYN

asked the Pensions Minister what sum of money stands to the credit of the King's Fund which was raised during the War; how the money has been spent and on whose authority; and towards what objects and for what purposes and at whose advice is the money to be given in future?


A sum of £508,500 stood at the credit of the King's Fund on the 11th inst. By that date £712,969 had been expended on restarting disabled men in life and on assisting the widows and orphans of men deceased in consequence of the War. The objects and purposes for which the money is to be given in the future are fully set forth in a leaflet which has been published for general information, of which a copy has been sent to the hon. Member. From this leaflet it will be seen that grants are made by members of the council of the fund, who in every case have before them the recommendation of a local war pensions committee or of a member of the outdoor staff of the Ministry. The names of the members of the council are given at the commencement of the leaflet.