HC Deb 11 August 1919 vol 119 c919W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can give any comparative figures of the output per man in the typical leading industries of this country and of the United States of America; if any general difference between them exists, what are the main causes of the difference; whether he can give any information as to profit-sharing, payment by results, and any other methods of remuneration in industry, respectively, as adopted in the United States of America; whether any and which of such methods have been effective in preventing industrial unrest and what effect they have had upon output; and, if he is not in a position to give the above figures and information, whether he will appoint a small committee of impartial experts to go to the United States and make a Report on the above matters and on any advantages or disadvantages attaching thereto which may throw light on the industrial position in this country?


Reports on profit-sharing in America and this country have been published, and I shall be glad to supply my hon. and learned Friend with copies. A further edition relating to the United Kingdom, covering the war period, is now in course of preparation. To determine the other points raised in the question, a very considerable inquiry would be necessary in both countries, and, in my view, the best way of obtaining information that would be accepted by both employers and work-people would be for the trades concerned to agree upon a joint committee of inquiry.