HC Deb 07 August 1919 vol 119 cc593-4W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the names of the insurance companies which were dissolved or struck off the register by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies during the year 1918; the names of the new insurance companies which have been registered during the year 1918 and have filed a statement in lieu of a prospectus; the names of the new insurance companies registered during the year ending 31st December, 1918, which filed a prospectus and to which certificates have been granted; the names of the new insurance companies which have been registered during 1918 as private companies; the names of the insurance companies, if any, which have been ordered to be wound up in the High Courts and County Courts during the year 1918; and the names of the insurance companies incorporated outside the United Kingdom which, during the year 1918, filed documents pursuant to Section 274 (1) of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, showing the country of origin and the nature of the business transacted?


The desired information is given in the following lists:

  1. (a) The companies having power in the Memorandum of Association to transact assurance business of a class to which the Assurance Companies Act, 1909, applies which were dissolved or struck off the register during the year 1918 are:
    • Adelphi Insurance Company, Limited.
    • British Enterprise Insurance Society, Limited.
    • British General Investment Corporation, Limited.
    • British Mutual Assurance Company, Limited.
    • 594
    • Casualty Insurance Company, Limited.
    • Catholic and General Insurance Association, Limited.
    • City of Cork Horse Proprietors' Insurance Society, Limited.
    • Dreadnought Assurance Company, Limited.
    • Dundee and District Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association, Limited.
    • Globe Re-Insurance Company, Limited.
    • Liverpool and District Drapery and Allied Trades Association Mutual Insurance Company, Limited.
    • Property Insurance Company, Limited.
    • Traction Insurance Association, Limited.
  2. (b) The only similar company registered in 1918 which has filed a statement in lieu of a prospectus is,
    • Border Counties Farmers' Insurance and Supply Society, Limited.
  3. (c) No similar insurance company was registered during 1918 which filed a prospectus.
  4. (d) The similar companies registered in 1918 as private companies are,
    • Atlantic Assurance Company, Limited.
    • British Law Insurance Company, Limited.
    • Road Transport and General Insurance Company, Limited.
  5. (e) The only similar company which was ordered to be wound up in the High Court during 1918 is,
    • The Uniform Line Steamship Insurance Association, Limited.
  6. (f) Insurance companies incorporated outside the United Kingdom which during the year 1918 filed documents pursuant to Section 274 (1) of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, with the country of origin and the nature of the business thansacted, are,
  • China Fire Insurance Company, Limited.
  • Hong Kong—Fire Insurance.
  • South African Marine, Fire, and General Insurance Company, Limited.
  • Union of South Africa.
  • Insurance in South Africa of diamonds shipped to this country against ordinary marine and war risks. No insurance business is being transacted in the United Kingdom.