HC Deb 16 April 1919 vol 114 cc2911-2W
Colonel BURN

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will place buoys over the sunken ships between Start Point and Portland in order to protect the fishermen who are constantly losing their gear when trawling, it being impossible to avoid the wrecks unless the latter are marked?


By the Merchant Shipping Act, general lighthouse authorities are responsible for marking or dispersing wrecks which are a danger to navigation or to light boats, but they do not appear to be responsible for marking wrecks which are obstructions to fishermen though not dangers to navigation. The question, however, is under consideration with the Board of Trade and the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries. I should mention that all wrecks which are dangers to navigation are marked by buoys, and the Admiralty have published charts, which are on sale to the public, showing the positions of all wrecks as far as can be ascertained.