HC Deb 15 April 1919 vol 114 c2728W

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware of the number of calves being killed for food purposes in Scotland and that in the abattoir of Hamilton, Lanarkshire, in the last week of March, 160 calves were killed as compared with sixteen m the whole month of March, 1918; if he will make inquiries from the Food Controller, the. Live Stock Commissioner, or other competent authority as to the possible injury to the future supply of home-raised beef of such slaughter of calves; and if he will take steps to prevent a continuance of this menace to the future supply of homegrown meat?


I have been asked to reply. The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The increase in the number of calves slaughtered in this authorised slaughter-house is due to the fact that under the Live Stock (Sales) Order, which came into force in May, 1918, all calves must now be slaughtered in authorised Government slaughter-houses. Both the Ministry of Food and the Boards of Agriculture are fully alive to the necessity for the rearing of as many calves as possible. With this end in view the live-and dead-weight prices fixed for calves sold for slaughter have recently been lowered, and I am informed that the Board of Agriculture are considering the establishment of centres at which calves can be collected from districts in which they are not required for rearing, and distributed to the parts of the country where they are in demand.