HC Deb 15 April 1919 vol 114 cc2731-3W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will direct investigation to be made into the reasons for the non-demobilisation of Private Arthur M'Kay, No. M/371531, Mechanical Transport, Army Service Corps, Base Mechanical Transport Depot (N.), France, who was passed for demobilisation months ago and his demobilisation papers sent to France, and being lost in transit, or alleged to be lost, were renewed and again sent on three separate occasions, and that assurances have been given at the War Office on several occasions that he would be immediately demobilised, and that telegrams had been dispatched to France to have this done; and whether, in consideration that this soldier is manager of a large business employing thirty men before the War, and now managed by his father, an aged man whose health has broken down, and employing, inter alios, several discharged soldiers, and that there is imminent danger of the business being destroyed and unemployment increased, he will direct Private M'Kay's immediate demobilisation?


I am informed that instructions concerning this man's demobilisation were issued some time ago, and a telegram has been sent to France to expedite his release.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will inquire into the cause that has led to the delay in demobilising Sapper G. Humber, No. WE 283631, 234th Light Railway Company, British Expeditionary Force, France, who joined in May, 1915, is aged forty-four, and has been applied for by his late employers?


Sapper Humber is not registered either as pivotal or for special release, nor is there trace of any application on his behalf having been received by the War Office. I am also in- formed by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour that he is not so registered by his Department. If this man's age and length of service are as stated by my hon. and gallant Friend, he would appear to be eligible for demobilisation, and if so he will no doubt be released as soon as circumstances permit.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Private Frederick Jones, No. 156587, Middlesex Regiment, attached No. 2 Detachment, V Company, Royal Army Service Corps, Forage Department; whether he is aware that this man is forty-three years of age; that his demobilisation certificate was endorsed by the appropriate local advisory committee in January last; and that his wife is waiting to undergo an operation until her husband has been demobilised and is able to look after his four children; and whether, in the circumstances, he will give instructions that Private Jones be demobilised without further delay?


Private Jones is not registered either as pivotal or for special release, nor is there any trace of any application on his behalf having been received by the War Office. The certificate referred to is probably a "contract" offer of employment, or such as to obtain his registration as a "slip" man. If this soldier's age is as stated he would appear to be eligible for demobilisation, and, if so, he will be released as soon as circumstances permit. If my hon. Friend will obtain a statement giving full particulars vouched for by himself, a clergyman, justice of the peace, or a doctor, it will receive consideration as to whether it could be dealt with as a compassionate case. The statement, if not vouched by a doctor, should include a medical certificate.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether he can now give a decision in regard to the release on compassionate grounds of Private A. Reid, No. 1446684, D Company, Machine Gun Corps, 11th Corps Concentration Camp, British Expeditionary Force, France?


Special inquiry has-been made in this case, but I regret the grounds put forward for Private Reid's release are not of such an extreme nature as to warrant his demobilisation on compassionate grounds.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will inquire into the cause that has led to delay in the demobilisation of Corporal A. G. Sanders, No. 78003, Military Foot Police, Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich, a man qualified for demobilisation both in respect of age and length of service, and whose employers have applied for his services?


Corporal Sanders is not registered either as a pivotal or for special release, nor is there trace of any application on his behalf having been received by the War Office. I am also informed by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour that he is not so registered by his Department. If this soldier's age and length of service are such as would render him eligible for demobilisation, he will no doubt be released as soon as circumstances permit. I would refer to the answer I gave on the 8th instant to my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Fylde to the effect that personnel of the Corps of Military Police are liable to retention as part of the military machinery of demobilisation even though eligible for demobilisation. Such men, however, are being released as soon as their services can be spared or they can be replaced.