HC Deb 09 April 1919 vol 114 cc2063-4W
Major NALL

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware of the practice whereby a difference between amounts shown on a soldier's A.B. 64 and the acquittance roll, W. 3,085, rendered by the imprest holder is always used against the soldier in adjusting his account; and whether, in view of the injustice that arises under this practice, he will give instructions for the soldier to be allowed the benefit of the doubt in these cases?


The soldier's ledger account (Army Form W. 3,085) is charged, in the first instance, from the acquittance rolls and is subsequently compared with the soldier's Pay Book (A.B. 64). Discrepancies, if any, are carefully and impartially investigated before the account is adjusted. I am not aware of cases of injustice, but if my hon. and gallant Friend will furnish me with particulars of any case that comes to his notice I will have it investigated.