HC Deb 09 April 1919 vol 114 c2065W

asked the Under-Secretary of State to the Air Ministry if the Air Force people originally attached to the Northern Russian forces were at first equipped only with seaplanes, and if the pilots in question had to fly seaplanes 40 or 50 miles inland over wooded and hilly terrain; and, when the danger of using seaplanes was apparently realised, were our Air Force people in that district equipped with D.H/'s, which machines have a maximum speed of about 50 miles an hour and are unable to make any headway against anything in the nature of a high wind?

Major-General SEELY

In situations where it is impossible, owing to the nature of the ground, to erect aerodromes, it is found most convenient to employ seaplanes instead of aeroplanes, provided that water is not too far away. Seaplanes alone were at first employed with the North Russia force for this reason, and will continue to be used. No D.H.6 machines have been sent to North Russia for war purposes, though in certain districts it has been found possible to employ aeroplanes of other types.