HC Deb 07 April 1919 vol 114 c1695W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Lieutenant H. Pemberton, King's Own Royal Lancashire Rifles, awarded the Military Cross 9th April, 1918, was wounded in face and hand at Givenchy on 8th June, 1918, has been in hospital since then save for six weeks' sick leave, and has applied for and failed to get a special medical board; that Surgeon Maunsell, Dublin Castle Red Cross Hospital, certified on 2nd December, 1918, that the injury to his left hand and wrist imposed a disability which was considerable and permanent, and as a result of an operation in January, 1919, his left hand and wrist have been rendered practically useless; has he been refused a wound gratuity; and will his case be reconsidered?

Captain GUEST

I am informed that as this officer's wounds were not classified as "very severe" he was not granted a wound gratuity. Arrangements are being made for Lieutenant Pemberton to appear befòre a special medical board.