HC Deb 01 April 1919 vol 114 cc1081-2W

asked the Food Controller whether, as the supply of meat has increased so as to now permit of the sale in hotels and restaurants without coupons, he will consider the advisability of abolishing the medical section, local authorities division of the Ministry, and in lieu to enable invalids, upon production to the local food controller of a proper medical certificate, to obtain the additional ration according to the necessities of their case without being subjected to the annoyance and protracted delay involved by having to apply to a Department which might now be dispensed with and the cost saved to the public?


The majority of applications for extra allowances, whether of meat or other rationed foodstuffs, are dealt with by food control committees and are not referred to the Ministry of Food. Owing in particular to the shortage of butter, and the need for restricting the unnecessary consumption of cream, it is considered necessary for the present to retain the arrangement by which application must in certain cases be made to the Ministry of Food.

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