HC Deb 31 October 1918 vol 110 cc1640-1W

asked the hon. Member for the Westbury Division, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, if he will state whether wages or compensation is paid to the kitchen staff during the periods when the House is not sitting; and, if not, will he now take into consideration the increase in the cost of living and pay an increased wage to the staff, and also a retaining fee during the period when the House is closed?


It is the practice of the Kitchen Committee to pay the sessional staff full wages for the Easter and Whitsun vacations, and a certain number of the older employés are paid a retainer during the long Recess. I am informed that our employés readily obtain seasonal employment elsewhere during the long vacations. I would point out to the hon. Member that the increased cost of living falls in the main upon the Department when the House is sitting, as the staff receive their food and allowance for refreshment. A Sub-committee of the Kitchen Committee considered the question of wages in January last, and it was found that our rates of pay are above the average for such work.