HC Deb 24 October 1918 vol 110 cc966-7W

asked the Comptroller of the Household, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, whether any consideration is being given to the number of persons unable to obtain sanatorium treatment under the provisions of the National Health In-Insurance Acts by reason of a lack of accommodation; and whether any hope can be held out of early measures to meet the shortage of accommodation?


Some 30,000 insured persons annually have, since the National Insurance Act, 1911, came into operation, received residential treatment for tuberculosis in sanatoria and hospitals, in addition to the large numbers who have received dispensary and domiciliary treatment. But this still leaves a regrettable number of cases for which accommodation is lacking. The War has made serious difficulties in regard to building operations and other matters involved in providing more institutional accommodation. This part of the question is one for my right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board, with whom I am in constant communication in regard to the matter, and I may perhaps refer my hon. Friend to the answer to a question on this subject on Tuesday last, circulated with the OFFICIAL REPORT.