HC Deb 24 October 1918 vol 110 c938W

asked the Food Controller if he is aware that in some rural districts the price of 2s. 3d. per gallon to the producer for milk is one that would not be paid but for Government interference; and whether he will give to the local food committees the power of regulating the price of milk in areas where production is cheap, and place upon them the responsibility of maintaining the supply in their areas?


I can add nothing to the answer given to the right hon. Member on this subject last Tuesday.


asked the Food Controller whether he has received a deputation from the Islington Board of Guardians with reference to the price charged for milk supplied to the institutions under their cave; and, if so, is he now prepared to consider their request in the interest of the ratepayers that, having regard to the fact that they will require 50,000 gallons in the coming six months, it shall be supplied to them at wholesale prices?


I have received a communication from the Islington Board of Guardians on this matter, but, in view of the fact that the Milk (Winter Prices) Order makes special provision for the price of milk sold to establishments in quantities of not less than 17 Imperial gallons a day, I regret that I cannot make any special exception in their favour.

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