HC Deb 22 October 1918 vol 110 c617W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether the Inter-departmental Committee appointed with the view to securing the provision of additional accommodation in Lancashire and other areas for sanatorium treatment of military and civilian tuberculous patients has reported; and, if so, whether the Report will be printed and circulated?


It was not intended that the committee referred to should make any formal Report, but only that they should advise in what way additional accommodation for the treatment of tuberculosis could best be secured in present circumstances. I am about to issue a circular on the subject.


asked the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been drawn to a resolution passed by the Liverpool City Council on 4th September in regard to the insufficiency of sanatorium accommodation for discharged men and others suffering from tuberculosis; and, if so, what steps have been taken to remedy the state of affairs referred to?


I have seen the resolution referred to. As was stated in reply to a previous question, the Local Government Board have been, and are, doing all they can to expedite the preparation of the Fazakerley Sanatorium for the reception of patients.

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