HC Deb 21 November 1918 vol 110 cc3469-70W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the Board of Trade decision that during the War no man may be examined for a certificate of competency as master, extra master, or master (home trade) unless he is a British subject, and, at the time of his birth, each of his parents was a British subject by birth or by naturalisation is to be withdrawn; and, if so, will he consult the representative bodies of seamen before taking any action?


The rule in question was made for the duration of the War, and the Board of Trade do not at present propose to withdraw or modify it.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether Mr. T. Petersen, of Danish origin, Mr. H. J. Stenwick, of Norwegian origin, Mr. Ericson, of Swedish origin, Mr. Gjertsen, of Norwegian origin, and Mr. Hvistendahl, of Norwegian origin, have all recently been granted permission to sail either as officers or in command of British vessels; and whether the present restrictions of foreigners in the British Mercantile Marine are still in existence?


Captain C. J. (not T.) Petersen and Captain H. J. Stenwick have been permitted to serve as master of any British vessel other than a troopship, requisitioned liner carrying troops, or vessel in attendance on the Fleet. Captain K. W. Ericson has been reinstated as master in home and coasting trade only. Mr. O. S. Gjertsen has been permitted to sail as second officer in the steamship "Heronsfool," and Mr. G. Hvistendahl has been permitted to sail in any capacity other than that of master. These decisions were arrived at after full consideration of the individual cases by the Alien Masters' Committee. There has been no alteration in regard to restrictions applying to foreigners serving in the British Mercantile Marine.