HC Deb 12 November 1918 vol 110 c2513W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that Scottish distillers are refusing to sell to certain of their old customers stocks of whisky which they hold in bond; whether such discrimination is in accordance with Orders of the Government; and whether he will inquire into the refusal of the Customs officials at Liverpool and Cardiff to release certain shipments of port wine now lying in those ports?


No person is obliged to sell whisky in bond to any other person. In order to meet the case of holders of clearance authorities, who have no clear able whisky and cannot obtain it from their usual sellers, arrangements have been made with the more important holders of stocks to release such quantities as will suffice to prevent consumers from being wholly cut off from supplies. As regards the last part of the question, I have made inquiries, and I understand that the only consignment of port wine under detention by the Customs at the ports of Liverpool and Cardiff consists of 30 pipes, for which evidence of origin is required as a condition of importation. If the hon. Baronet will furnish details of the shipments to which he refers, further inquiries shall be made and the exact position with regard to these communicated.