HC Deb 07 November 1918 vol 110 c2316W
General CROFT

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he has ascertained if escaped and exchanged prisoners of war are forbidden to give information regarding their treatment as prisoners in Germany; and, if so, by whom and on whose instructions such orders are given?


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether an order was issued on 12th September, 1917, by the War Office entitled, "Instruction for the Guidance of Escaped and Repatriated Prisoners of War"; if so, will he publish the full text of such order and state by whom it was issued; what Departments of the War Office were consulted before its issue; had he personally seen and approved the wording of this order before its issue; and, if not, which Department of the War Office informed him that no such order had been issued?


In reply to these questions I would refer my hon. and gallant Friends to the statement which I made yesterday.