HC Deb 06 November 1918 vol 110 c2139W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that Mr. A. A. Dawson, a counter clerk and telegraphist attached to the South-Eastern District, joined the Colours on 6th August, 1914, at the age of 17 years; whether Mr. Dawson was recommended for his appointment in the Post Office in July, 1914, but that, owing to some delay, it had not been made by the date of his call for military service; whether, in consequence of the failure to make Mr. Dawson an appointed officer, he has been kept on the scale of pay proper to a learner, with the result that he has lost the cumulative value of three annual increments; and whether, having regard to the exceptionally early age at which Mr. Dawson enlisted and to the fact that his appointment had been recommended prior to the date on which he was called to the Colours, the Department will recommend the Treasury to treat this case as an exception to the rule?


Mr. Dawson was not recommended for appointment as counter clerk and telegraphist before he enlisted. His turn for appointment did not come until several months after he enlisted. There are no grounds for making an exception in this case to the ordinary regulation.