HC Deb 06 November 1918 vol 110 c2136W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he can consider the transference to home service of Hairy Beamish, No. 55745, 16th Royal Welsh Fusiliers, France, in view of the fact that he is now the only support of his widowed mother, his only brother having been admitted to an asylum as the result of shell-shock sustained while on active service?


Inquiries are being made in this case, and I will write to my hon. and gallant Friend as soon as possible.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Private F. C. Lewis, No. 241569, B Company, 4th Reserve Battalion, Seaton Delaval, enlistend in the 5th Gloucester Regiment in March, 1915, was severely wounded in 1916, was again wounded in 1917 very dangerously with shrapnel in the lung, was operated on, and remained nine months in hospital; whether he has been reported unfit, or whether he is in fact unfit for any further military service, and should be discharged, but whether instead of being discharged he is retained in the Army so that he may be compelled to do farm work, which he is wholly unfit for; and whether, before enlisting, he was a clerk employed on the Great Western Railway?


I am making inquiry, and will write to my hon. and gallant Friend as soon as possible.