HC Deb 05 November 1918 vol 110 cc1946-7W

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty why the additional allotment of 3s. 6d. a week made in October, 1917, by Stoker W. B. Crook, No. 8 mess, H.M.S. "Canning," has never been paid; and why the letters sent to the Admiralty by the mother of this man on this matter have not been answered?


The allotment referred to in the question is presumably the State Allotment Concession. My hon. Friend is doubtless aware that it was left to each man to decide whether he would retain the benefit of this concession for himself by having the allotment charges against his wages reduced, or whether he would allow his dependant to receive the benefit by maintaining the allotment from his wages at the orignal rate. No notification was received that Stoker Crook had signified his wishes in the matter, and consequently the disposal of the concession could not be determined. Enquiry has, however, now been made, and it appears that the man is desirous that his mother shall receive the concession of 3s. 6d. a week, and payment of the arrears has been authorised in her favour. Search has been made, but no letters on the subject from Mrs. Crook can be found.


asked the Pensions Minister whether, when an appeal is made against a decision in the case of a non-attributable disability, a discharged man is examined by the same board that originally assessed the degree of his disability; and whether it rests solely with this board to decide whether the application should be passed or not to the appeals tribunal?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. The second part of this question therefore does not arise.


Asked the Pensions Minister what was the result of the examination by the Pensions Board of Private G. Bell, No. 31005, Durham Light Infantry, who appeared before the board in August last for the purpose of seeing if he was entitled to an increase of pension?


The result of the examination referred to was that the board assessed his disablement at 20 per cent., confirming the previous award. The decisions of the two medical boards have since been upheld by the Medical Advisors of the Ministry, to whom the case was specially referred.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what has been the result of the appeal made by the mother of Private J. R. Anderton, No. 51974, West Riding Regiment, for an increase in the present dependency allowance of 10s. a week?


Inquiry will be made, and I will inform the hon. Member of the result.