HC Deb 04 November 1918 vol 110 cc1811-3W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office why Pioneer W. A. Marsden, No. 301560, Royal Engineers, who has been in hospital for months without pay and who a month ago was sent home on leave, has not received any pay or allowance while at home, although application has been made to the regimental paymaster; and will immediate attention be given to the matter.


I am having inquiries made and will inform the hon. Member of the result.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if the new flat rate of 5s. separation allowance for apprentices includes the soldiers' allotment; and will he say whether the making of a voluntary allotment in favour of a wife or other dependant will deprive such dependant of the whole or any part of the increased separation allowance under the last concession?


The answer to both parts of the question is in the negative.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if he will say whether the flat-rate concession of 5s. sanctioned by Army Order 262/1918 is issuable in respect of two or more sons of the same parents; and whether paragraph 70 of the separation allowance Regulation may be interpreted to mean that the dependant in such a case will receive the maximum allowance of 10s. in the case of two sons or 12s. 6d. in the case of three sons?


The answer to both questions is in the affirmative.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he will instruct the civil liabilities committee in Dublin to advertise in the newspapers and post in prominent places the conditions under which claims can be made by soldiers' and sailors' dependants; and if he is aware that only a small proportion of those entitled to payment are aware of the existence of the civil liabilities fund?


I have been asked to answer this question. Notices of the civil liabilities scheme have been displayed in all post offices, and forms of application may be obtained from any post office. In addition, information as to the scheme has been given in Fleet and Army Orders; a booklet containing particulars of the scheme is circulated by the Admiralty, a special leaflet has been issued by the War Office, and has been supplied to recruiting depots and other places. Copies of the form of application have been placed by the Army authorities in Y.M.C.A. and other huts of that character, and have also been sent to the front. I think, therefore, that the hon. Member will agree that all reasonable steps have been taken to bring the scheme under the notice of possible applicants.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether a local war pensions committee could have supplemented the Government Grant before the 1st October in the following circumstances: where a wife with three children under six years of age received a total of 28s. a week and the husband earned 30s. before enlistment, and where the rent paid is 4s. a week?


In the particular case mentioned by the hon. Member it would seem to be impossible to show that there was a loss of income due to enlist- ment after taking into consideration the husband's personal expenditure and the saving in household expenditure resulting from his absence. No allowance could therefore be given before 1st October unless enlistment took place before 27th January, 1916, and the husband's estimated wages at that date would have been substantially greater than the 30s. a week earned before enlistment. The wife and children would, however, in case of serious illness have been eligible for sickness grants.


asked the Pensions Minister what explanation has been furnished by the South Dublin Local Pensions Committee as to their failure to deal with the case of the widow and children of the late Private Cornally, Irish Guards; and what action he proposes to take in the matter?


Inquiry has been made of the local committee concerned (the Naas War Pensions Committee) by letter and telegram, but no reply has yet been received.