§ Mr. RAWLINSONasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, seeing that the Food Controller lately issued an appeal through the Press and otherwise to farmers to keep back store cattle, stating that such cattle would, during the next few months, make a very considerable addition to their weight, and that such addition would be in flesh and not in bone, he will say whether this appeal was issued with the authority or approval of the Board of Agriculture; and whether such a statement is in contradiction to the best recently expressed scientific opinion?
§ THE PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY TO THE MINISTRY OF FOOD (Mr. Clynes):The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. The Press notice referred to by the hon. Member was issued by the Food Controller with the approval of a strong committee of farmers representing the chief agricultural organisations in the country. I should have thought that scientific opinion favoured the view that a large proportion of the increase of weight would be in flesh and not bone.