HC Deb 29 May 1918 vol 106 cc806-7W

asked the Pensions Minister whether his attention has been called to cases of soldiers discharged from military and auxiliary hospitals, and from the Army, whilst still suffering from the effects of wounds and requiring further treatment, being unable to obtain immediate admission to civilian hospitals or the necessary treatment; whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that, as the result of delay or inability to get admission to civilian hospitals, such eases have had to undergo operations which might have been avoided; and whether he proposes to take any and, if any, what action in the matter?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and to the second part in the negative. Steps are being taken to eliminate, so far as possible, delay in obtaining immediate treatment for wounds and injuries. The War Office have agreed not to discharge men in future, so long as there is any necessity for further operative treatment. In addition, arrangements have been concluded with that Department for the establishment of annexes for in- and out-patient treatment of discharged men in connec- tion with military orthopædiscentres. Where this is not possible, annexes to civil hospitals will be provided. Arrangements for the admission of discharged men at special rates of payment have also been concluded with 353 hospitals throughout the Kingdom.


asked the Pensions Minister whether he has power to provide hospitals and convalescent homes; and, if so, whether he has exercised his powers to provide institutional treatment for men discharged from military institutions who are unable to obtain admission into civilian ones?


The Ministry have power to provide hospitals and convalescent homes, and this power has been exercised in a number of cases. In view, however, of the temporary nature of the need and of the difficulties connected with the erection and staffing of new institutions, endeavour is made to utilise existing institutions so far as possible.